Help -> Legal & Rules

Attendance You attend the event at your own risk. The venue is considered suitable for normal road going cars. By attending you indemnify the organiser of any liability.
Police There may be extra speed detection in the roads around the event. Please stick to the limits. They sometimes drop in now and again so please treat with respect most are car nuts as well.
Insurance SCITP have event insurance, including public liability and employers liability for our Staff only. If you cause damage YOU will pay the repair bill. This includes damage to grass, roads and fences.
Data retention policy and data use The information collected is only used to provide services on this website and will not be sold to any third party. If you decide to leave our website we retain the car registration on the tickets for linking with images and banning display cars. All other information is anonymized unless a display car has been banned. Location is used to look at potential venues and is also supplied to advertisers in a summary form.
Google analytics We use google analytics to check on site traffic and device types used. It is also used for performance purposes to help speed pages up.

Version 2.4.4