Newby Hall

Club parking plan - Clubs 10 cars or more will be allocated a specific stand


Club nameAllocate standCars on standGazeboSize
Group cars total: 0

Clubs 9 or less may be allocated a different parking area to their country to help space things out.


Club nameParking AreaNo of cars
Group cars total: 0

Country parking and groups


UKGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
USAGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
GERMANYGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
FRANCEGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
JAPANGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
ITALYGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
MIXEDGroupCars on standSize
Allocated parking area: >>> TBC <<<
Not with a group00m
Country total0
Country cars total:0

Group cars total: 0
Group 9 or less: 0
Country cars total:0
Late booking cars total:0
Total display cars:0

Version 2.4.4